DGT, Discount Global Travel
Ripped me off I want to sue them and put them in jail Ripoff

Traveling & Tourism

A year ago my husband and I received a phone call stating to come into DGT and they had a gift for us. We went in and the person selling the Pitch to us was working hard. I was so scared and did not want to give up my money. He sat there and worked for a couple of hours, he put prices on a piece of paper and told me how my family could benefit as well. If I paid anyone that went with me would get the same price and he GUARANTEED I would not find a better price anywhere and if I EVER had any questions/problems to make sure I contacted him. He was so attentive, willing to help so happy to be there for us, well all that changed once we walked out the door and gave up our money. I still have the contract and I am intending to sue them but not just for money I want to make them pay for taking advantage of so many people. They need to go to jail for Fraud!!! He needs to spend some time behind bars and feel bad for what he did. How dare he take advantage of so many innocent people. I tried weeks after to get some kind of deal on a trip but nothing, so rude and unattentive, then I tried to get a hold of the person whom sold us this worthless package and nope could not do it. They would not give me him on the phone, how does he sleep at night how does he face his mother!!! Does she know what she raised a thief and a liar!!!

I want my money back, I asked for it months later (2) and nothing they gave me the run around, I never used them I tried but no results. Their prices were no better then searching myself on the web. I felt so robbed and violated.

I want to know if anyone is going to start a class action lawsuit or if there is a lawyer who is willing to help, please. We are a middle class family and money is really tight and we could use it back so please contact me and I will call you. I am going to contact my locat TV stations and see if anyone is interested in this story and willing to help please everyone involved contact your Government, BBB and complain about them. GET YOUR MONEY BACK!!! Seize their homes, cars and boats all the things they bought with our money...


Company: DGT, Discount Global Travel
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Royal Oak
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