Ramada Plaza Resorts
Ripoff Money that would have done more in the toilet fraudulent ripoff business

Traveling & Tourism

In May my family and I took what we expected to be a nice vacation package. Ramada Plaza Resorts sold us a bill of goods regarding the services that were offered. They were even gracious enough to inform us of upgrades that could be had for a little more money. Unfortunately we were among so many others that this disreputedble company has spoiled vacation for.

Our hotel accomodations were less than satisfactory and in my personal opinion they could have been hazardous to our health. They were by no means located in areas that I deeemed safe. Then we discover that we must attend an hour long presentation that happened to be an hour and forty five minutes away from our less than luxurious accomodations. This fiasco turned out to be a four hour affair not counting the driving time. Oh not to forget that the free rental car that we decided not to take was to cost us two hundred plus dollars (That does not include the money we submitted to the company for an upgrade).

Then the ship that they represent as carnival turned out to be a scow. We paid for a second cabin by the way. We had to attend another presentation in order to secure our hotel on the last leg of the nightmare, and pay for our free Orlando tickets.

Resorts staff is well versed in dealing with angry persons. This is because I would wager 95% of persons who have done business with them are very sorry they ever heard the name of these misrepresenting rip off artists.

The Florida government should really intervene in this companies fraudulent business practices. People work too hard and long for vacation to have it ruined by this dishonest business. It gives the state a black eye.

As far as the rest of the package I purchased from Ramada Resorts... Well let's just say I would not trust them to give me a trip to my backyard. Please warn your freinds and colleagues. Tell any one who will listen These people must be stopped.

Atlanta, Georgia

Company: Ramada Plaza Resorts
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Ft. Lauderdale
Address: 2419
Phone: 9546309449
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