Vacation Network
Mystery Shopper in Alpharetta

Traveling & Tourism

It starts with a CraigsList posting of "Mystery Shopper in Alpharetta"... From KHall Marketing & More (Krystal Hall = touting the following:

We are still sending in "secret shoppers" to a Travel club to aid us in determining if they are a good fit for our company to work with long-term. Would you be able to attend a 60 minute presentation this weekend over in Alpharetta? You'll receive a Free Vacation from the actual Travel club just for showing up, but you will also receive a $50 cash payment from my company for providing us feedback of your experience.

Offering "complimentary vacations for two" as a "gift" (or a chance to win a plasma television, etc.)

Yeah, no sales pitch, my a$!!

I've yet to receive an e-mail message back from Ms. Hall of my inquiry of completing the "survey" originally mentioned, let alone the $50 that I will NEVER see.

If you have already experienced this hard-sell schpiel, feel free to contact Vacation Network at 770-538-6202. Ask for Teddy (MANAGER of the travel office)!!

Later today, Friday December 1st, I will contact the Georgia Attorney General's office as well as the Georgia State Office of Consumer Affairs to file complaints. There are people who participate in market research surveys who shouldn't fall prey to these folks.

Good luck and keep reporting those scoundrels!!

Company: Vacation Network
Country: USA
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