Grand Crowne
Misleading sales reps. What they promise you verbally is not what they put in the written contract

Traveling & Tourism

We were primised 3 day 2 night vacation for a small deposit which we received. After going thru the sales presention we declined to buy the sales manager became very rude and offensive. We reported her in our after stay review, and we were offered $100 cash if we would like to attend a special promotion for people who did not buy, where we could report the rude person. Of course the special informal imformational session was promised not to be a sales pitch turned into one.

In which we along with about 20 other couples were verbaly promissed we could become lifetime members of the Grand Crowne Travel Culb with all the full benafits of owners for the very low price of $1,050! It sounded to good to be true even though we we told it was the real deal. Well it was to good to be true. All we had to do was us our $100 gift for the down payment and we could finance the rest for 1 year. We were also told if we changed our minds after we signed the contract we could cancel with in 24hrs. We did change our minds and we tried to cancel 12 hrs later.By calling the toll free # provided then mailing a letter out that day for written confirmation. As time went by we received our "owners papers" and we started to check them out and we even sent in several e-mails, phone calls & certified letters but to no avail. They still demand payment and are now threatening to garnish our wages for payment. We filled a complaint with the Missouri State Attorney General's office in which we did get a response and an our most recent letter from the MOAG since Grand Crowne refuses to mediate with them there is not much they will do. It seems that Grand Crowne keeps great records of what they send you but has no records of any time we contacted them. Lets get back to the contract which we signed, if any one of you have ever been to one of these type of "sales" talk DO NOT GO! They are extremely HIGH PRESSURE with very FAST TALKING sales reality the contract we signed did not garrenty us any thing we were promised in the sales pitch. Our contract was only good for a 1 year trial at which time we could apply it as a down payment towards accual owners ship (which is several thousand dollars). I many not be the brighest light bulb in a room but there is no way we would buy something for over a $1000 dollars which is good for only one year. And as of now the contract in which we did sign has expired. But in all the correspondence we receive from Grand Crowne they all ways tells us that this contract CAN NOT be canncelled and the laws of Missouri do not apply to them. (yes I was accually told this in a phone conversation I had with them and they even sent it to me in written form)! They also claim that any oral representation not in writing will not be enforced.

Company: Grand Crowne
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Branson
Address: 430 C State Hwy 165 South
Phone: 4173328344
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Grand Crowne Resorts
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Grand Crowne Travel Network

Grand Crowne Resorts / Travel Agencies