Air Land & Sea, Ltd. Another Pigeon. Ripoff liars victimized us. Canceled Facility

Traveling & Tourism

I just read several reports on the misleading practices of TravelBridge. It all happened to us also.

The big reason we bit was that we were told we could save the full ($3640) amount of the fee on one Scandanavian cruise, with examples to prove it.

Another selling point was the big new Travel Center to be opened in nearby Tempe, AZ in April. We drove around the complex, but could find no TravelBridge. We did discover that they had canceled the facility.

We drove to the N Scottsdale office where we signed up only to find that it was locked up by the landlord. We later got the Via Ventura address from the web site but haven't been there as it's much further away from us.

Pat Vincent is gone as is Bridget, the gal who skillfully conned us into trying some training classes before asking for our money back. She assured us the company would honor the refund after we filed the papers. Then she delayed us several times until we finally got Pat Vincent's refusal to refund letter. Must be boiler plate.

We are still working on the refund, but not optomistic. The RippOff web site has been a real help.

Now we want to see a bunch of jail sentences.

Phoenix, Arizona

Company: TravelBridge
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Scottsdale
Address: 8630 Via Ventura, #100
Phone: 8005491000
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