Fairfield Resorts
Fairfield employees do lie to get your business i know for a fact!

Traveling & Tourism

If anyone writes in defense of Fairfield, THEY ARE EMPLOYED by Cendant or Wyndham Worldwide! Why would anyone come to a website called "RipOff" if they were happy with Fairfield? That doesn't make any sense and knowing the way this company operates, I'm sure they do employee someone to keep up with websites like this to defend the company practices. I worked for Fairfield until August and believe me, they do lie and they tell you to lie. They make you take a compliance course and sign the paperwork stating you won't lie but then in further training, they tell you to lie but don't get caught or you will get fired. They have fired several employees/managers for lying but they hire them back, that is a known fact. The company actually "sells" itself to new employees luring them with great benefits and the promise of an easy high income during the busy summer months. Approximately 10% of the employees actually make good income and employees come and go like fleas on dogs at Fairfield. New classes with approximately 25 people come in every two weeks and they ship the old employees out. Most people last less than three months. You either quit in disgust or get fired for not meeting the sales quota. If you don't lie, you don't sell and that is the bottom line. Some of the salespeople actually don't lie but the second person you see, the manager or Senior Sales Rep will lie. If they don't lie, the third person you see will probably lie but most everyone lies if they want to make money. I wouldn't lie and that is why I quit. It takes forever after your first rep sits with you because you have to have a manager come to your table to sign off and/or talk the people into buying. Then, it takes forever to get a discovery rep to your table to take your tour to "gifting". Fairfield is a lie. Too bad because the resorts are great and I think it's a good deal but they do lie about how, when and where you can go and what you can do. Read the fine print or listen to you contract closer because there are lots of things sales people say you can do that the closer tells you that you can't do while at your signing. Sneaky!

Company: Fairfield Resorts
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Williamsburg
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Fairfield / Wyndham Resorts
Fairfield Degrading to Employees and Liers to Buyers

Fairfield Cendant Wyndham
Ripoff Thank God Fairfield lied to me about the Discovery Timeshare!

Fairfield Resorts
Cendant Timeshare Resort Group dishonest ripoff stolen timeshare and chargeoff with daily phone threats

Fairfield Resorts
Fairfield resorts timeshare racist, bigoted company that also discriminates against women fort mill south carolina

Fairfield Resorts Atlantic City
Fairfield resort the company with no integrity, always subject to change ripoff atlantic city new jersey

Fairfield Resorts
Ripoff, dishonest fraudulent sell of timeshares results in class action lawsuit against Fairfield Resorts & Nationwide

Fairfield Wyndham
I do not recommend Fairfield / Wyndham Resorts to do business with

Wyndam Resorts (fairfield Resorts)
Sells membership to you, you pay maintence fees, and then they lease to vacation internet services the rooms, so that when you call for reservations, they have none

Fairfield Resorts, Wyndom Worldwide, Activities 4 Less
Cendant Abusive to employees, scamming customers, fruad activities, and much much more! I can provide proof and would love to see these bastards fry for what they do to innocent people! Any lawyers needing dirt please call me and i can assist you Maui

Wyndham Fairfield
Misrepresented points at Osage National Orlando Florida