WLI Reservations Rewards
Ripoff Fraudulent Removal of Funds from Bank Account

Traveling & Tourism

While checking my account history, I discovered that $9.00 had been removed by reservationrewards. Since I had absolutely no knowledge of this company. When I called their 800 number, they informed me that they had gotten my info from Time Life, after I had ordered a CD from that company. I must not have read the agreement with Time Life closely enough. Anyhow, Reservation rewards said they would close out my "account", and not remove any more money. Isn't that nice of them? Bunch of CROOKS!
Thanks for letting me submit this report.

Pineville, Kentucky

Company: WLI Reservations Rewards
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8007327031
Site: reservationrewards.com
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Reservation Rewards ripoff thieves took money from my account after told I'm cancer patient w/no funds causing overdraft charges

TimeLife.com / Reservations Rewards
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Reservation Rewards - reservationrewards.com - Galleria USA ripoff! Unauthorized charges, claims has no knowledge of Reservation Rewards!

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WLI Reservation Rewards
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