Ramada Plaza Resorts
Ramada Plaza Resort Vacations Promised a world-class vacation? Given a world-class hassle?

Traveling & Tourism

We bought into this vacation package thinking it would be a good deal on a world-class vacation. We found that the package is a very poor value and the way it's advertised borders on fraud.

I won't repeat here what you can find in dozens of accounts on the internet of how bad the Ramada Plaza Resort vacations are. The company is very missleading about the accomodations, the cruise, and the costs associated with the travel.

The accomodations for our Florida trip were to be in a run-down motel next to a busy freeway 25 minutes from the nearest beach. The cruise was going to be on a small rusty (seaworthy?) junket with undrinkable water, in a closet-sized room, and with numberous hidden charges. The overall vacation is advertised as comprehensive and included in one price, but we found there would be numerous additional charges for the vacation we were promised (they try to force you into "upgrade" packages).

I wrote a letter asking the company for a full refund and they didn't respond at all. You will find that the most difficult thing in dealing with Ramada Plaza is that they have numerous minimum-wage flunkies that answer the phones, will not give you their real names or titles, and they will never let you speak to a real manager or supervisor.

In my letter, I told Ramada Plaza I'd file suit if they didn't respond. So, I filed a lawsuit. I think for many people, this would be the most effective way to deal with the company. They do not seem to respond to any other communication.

I had a heck of a time ever getting a name of someone to serve with the legal complaint. When I finally did get through to a Gina Johns, she was actually very helpful. She told me a lawsuit wouldn't be necessary, and she had the company issue us a full refund.

Below are some addresses and names I think others may find helpful. I would like to say a few things first:

(1) No matter who you are talking to at the company, you need to be polite and professional (this includes the teleidiots in the Ramada Plaza call center).

(2) If you are looking for a refund just because you have changed your mind about the trip, you're probably out of luck. When you sign up for a vacation, it is a non-refundable contract. However, if you have evidence (as I did) of breach of contract and missrepresentation, the contract is void. Do your homework before you contact the company.

(3) Do not waste any time arguing with the low-level employees in the call center. They are working off of scripts and will talk you in circles. That's all they are paid to do all day. You won't win an argument with them. They are taping all of the calls and will possess the tapes. Not only can they make unfavorable conversations with a caller disappear, but they can edit the conversations if they want. They will also hang up at any point where they are losing ground. Get to the top of the company as soon as you can. If you can't get through, contact law enforcement in Florida (department of justice, attorney generals office, etc.) for assistance.

Overall, I think Ramada Plaza Resorts is a borderline criminal operation. I've bought a lot of things using 1-800 numbers and I've bought a lot of things through mail order, but I have never, ever encountered a company so shaddy in how it does things. This company actively tries to prevent you from being able to talk to professional employees capable of any real customer service. The best way to avoid problems with this company is to avoid business with them altogether. Tell your friends and co-workers.

Company: Ramada Plaza Resorts
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Fort Lauderdale
Address: 2419 E. Commercial Blvd., Suite 100 Fort Lauderdale FL 33308
Phone: 95463094494105
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