Ramada Plaza Resorts
Ripoff Fort Lauderdale Florida

Traveling & Tourism

I too got sucked into this trick. However, after I read about it on this website panic stricken I immediately called back. My experience getting a refund was a lot different then the reports I read from everyone. First I called the information center and they told me that the department that dealt with refunds was closed until the next morning. So then I called the sales rep who sold me the package and talked to the sales manager about it. I said that I felt really uncomfortable with the whole situation. He was very nice and said that I did have to call the customer information line again but instructed me when to call and said it shouldn't be a problem and to use his name if needed. He was extremely nice and left me feeling more at ease. The next morning after I worried all night because they had already charged my VISA I called back as soon as the call center opened. I talked to a man, sorry I forget his name?

I took the approach of being very nice and friendly and stayed extremely calm. I told him that I didn't feel comfortable with the situation because I was never told that I would have an authorization charge on my VISA for the full amount plus an actual charge and that now my VISA was overdrafted and I could not use it. I also threw in that my dog had to have surgery and that I needed to be able to put it on my VISA. He never once said it was none re-fundable he did try to give me other options so I could still book the vacation but I kept saying really nicely and none aggressively (being as sweet as I could be) that I just wasn't comfortable and really just wanted a refund and that I would continue to think about booking with them in the near future (LIE) but for now I wanted a refund.

He put me on hold for a minute to talk to his manager and then informed me that I would get a full refund and that they were also going to give me a free 3 day 2 night in Fort Lauderdale just because. It was the easiest refund I have ever gotten and I was left confused after reading everything that people wrote. I checked today and all charges on my VISA have dissappeared so they didn't lie. I was pleasently surprised maybe they are changing their ways or maybe you have to play the innocent sweet girl and you will get what you want. I think if you get too aggressive then they get aggressive back and aren't as likely to help you out just because they have that power over you. Hopefully you all have better luck like I did. I can honestly say that I didn't encounter anyone rude and everyone was very helpful which honestly surprised so much that I figured they were just saying that they were giving me a refund and that they actually wouldn't! But they did! Good Luck to all of you out there I guess we learn our lessons the hard way sometimes...

Calgary, Alberta

Company: Ramada Plaza Resorts
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: ramadainternational.com/ramada/default.mi
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