Dishonest and deceptive


Straighttalk may be the worst. I bought a 30-card. They shut my phone down and that i had 202 units left. What's interesting is how they say that if you contact *611 it's a free phone but how is it free plus they are subtracting the mintues from your utilization. When you call *611 choice 1 then 4-to check your stability they say it's a free text however it is not simply because they withhold the message from you utilization aswell. So that they lie completely around. I expected many repetitions will there be something wrong with my telephone, could it be defective or is there a recognition? They said "no'. Subsequently all a months later they say your phone is flawed. They're trying to tell me the call timer on my phone fails effectively. Reasons, justification. Has it that and that i possess the same phone that they're currently selling in the retailers. A lot of bs. They simply want people to invest on the 45 card. They take your minutes after which blame it to the phone fails. Then you get people that you-can't understand and they do not realize you. Truly! I really think they've a factory outside the states for their company. I desire i will document a class action suit since they're terrible. It's straighttalk, tracphone and net-10. Why would the government allow this to take and also the ftc is just a big laugh. When they have to save money eliminate them. Then what's funny they cut my service of two days before end-date, and state oh you've to purchase a new telephone. Or even then we shall permenately deactivate your account. Okay! They've to be stopped. People put there hard make money available and purchase service and that you don't obtain what you purchase. A lot of clutter. I'll be investigating how i will document a class action match.

Company: Straightalk
Country: USA
State: Florida
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Straight Talk Cell Phone
Poor customer service

Straight Talk cellphone
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Straight Talk
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