Metro PCS
Horrible Company


Metro PCS may be the toughest organization I've actually handled. They tear people down with no one does something about this. A lawyer truly must document a-class action suit from this organization. I've had Metro PCS support for over annually today. I changed from Run when I was spending around $150 monthly for endless cell/web also it was very costly. First, the support through Metro PSC is terrible. Our calls are fallen all-time after I attempt to use my telephone. There are occasions when it'll get into running also it shouldn't be running when I am in my own protection area in California. While it adopts running, I can't use my telephone; eventhough I've compensated twice today for "roaming minutes" (that we shouldn't need to use within my protection area) even when I needed to make use of my "roaming minutes" in my protection area, I can't acces them.

The First time I taken care of running was after I journeyed out-of my protection area. I did so anything the salesperson in the shop explained to organize the telephone before i quit my protection area. I had been out in the centre of Iowa and my ohone wouldn't woork. I'd a crisis scenario and had a need to make use of a telephone (no-pay telephones were accessible everywhere, and that I wasn't ready to utilize it. Customer support was non existent as you keeps obtaining the same automatic concept that adopts a cycle. It's extremely difficult to keep in touch with a live person at Metro PCS. Next I visited Nebraska. Our running units would not work-there both. I eventually got to their techsupport. They plantation their tech-support out to Panama and I invested 1/2 time arguming using the technology person that Nebraska was area of the US; as he kept insisting it had beennot and that is why I did so nto have protection.incredible! I've lost income by buying "running moments" I really could not employ, on the cell support that doesn't function a lot of the full time, and almost froze to death on the Iowa highway after I had vehicle problems and that I couldn't use my mobile phone to demand aid.

I wonder how much cash the corporation makes by not being available by telephone towards the public; particularly when clients attempt to achieve them to remove support plus they can't cope with to anybody??? The corporation is blantantly tearing off clients. What are the lawyers available who're actually slightly thinking about processing suit from this organization that's tearing down a lot of people???

Company: Metro PCS
Country: USA
State: Florida
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Metro PCS
Long Delay to receive text message

Metro PCS
Rude Behavior@ Store Location (DeSoto, Tx)

Toy phones, no service

Straight Talk
Service area reception

Metro PCS
Almost no call range, dropped calls

Metro PCS
Lousy Customer Service

Metro PCS
Bad customer service

Metro Pcs In Georgia
Poor customer service

Metro PCS
NOT user friendly

Metro Pcs Corporate Store
Significantly more than annoyed, ENOUGH!