My Voicemail Network
Unauthorized Charges/Fraud


Just like others, 12.95 cost strangely turns up about the ATT statement. I never requested their support, or might I for that quantity. They kept saying it had been requested online when it had been not so when I requested to talk to the supervisor the girl hung-up the telephone. If this really is so blatent then why are these folks not being imprisoned on fraud costs?

Company: My Voicemail Network
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
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Repeated Unauthorized Credit Card Charges

Dish Network
Double charge (billing) and rude support!

ATG Stores
Horrible service

Lux E-cig
2 weeks following the purchase I look for a pending cost on my card from their store

Bromalite cleanse
Fraude costs to my account

Verizon Wireless
Insurance fraud

Unauthorized billings

Avangate and Media Crawler
Costs that are Unarotherized

Circuit City-Direct TV
Fraud and cheating!

Direct TV
Bill now for 2007