Global Tel Link


Worldwide tel link has had my cash and completed with it the things they desire. I will never speak with customer support consultant, plus some occasions the representative simply hangs up in my own experience. Additional occasions the disconnects and certainly will not really band to some CSR, which means you need to call-back numerous occasions and check it out repeatedly again. Basically am ready to ultimately get somebody after fifteen attempts daily for 2 or three times directly, the are rude, WOn't proper issue, plus they have hung-up on me. I've been over-charged, I've been taken from plus they took extra resources out-of a prepaid consideration which was not designed to occur. Aswell they approved a cost on my charge card that used to do not permit, also it was their error and didn't go down. They've declined to resolve my issue, after I have already been individual.

Company: Global Tel Link
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Toledo
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Global Tel Link Prepaid Services
Customer Service

Global Tel Link
Lost money

Global Tel Link
Everything about this business is a SCAM

Global Tel Link
I work at Global Tel Link

Global Tel Link
Consumer Report

Global Tel Link
Can not get reimbursement

Global Tele Link
Terrible price and service

Global Tel Link
Scam/rip off

Global Tel Link
This company continues to steal money from me!

Global Tel Link
Global Tel-Link is a RIPOFF