Verizon Phone Service
Customer harassment


Our name is Kimberly Vine and that Iam a target of the key company who monopolizes the marketplace. Our issue began January 1 when Verizon began pressing their clients to change to the brand new visual cable. I decided to not since my telephone continues to be operating only good for that 6 years living below. Since I have decided to not change to get a charge then my telephone hasn't worked regularly since January 1. I have documented the issue atleast 25 occasions, voiced to Administrators, technicians, foremen, revenue, etc... And all offered me exactly the same solution. "Ms. Vine should you change towards the new visual cable then we assure that the telephone works normally they might not assist me!" I Have been reading this for that past many months. I will have an excellent technology out-right now and he's informing me that Verizon is informing their workers to market the visual cable to every client and attempt to obtain Web and wire support aswell! This technology likewise explained that my issue could be quickly set inside the central verizon area but verizon won't since their objective would be to have everybody changed from the end-of 2007 and also have their wire and online sites aswell. Today if Verizon desired to change everybody for this visual cable for no-fee then I'd get it done but I am not likely to be another target. The majority of my neighbors are aged and also have a lot of issues with the brand new cable plus they are so annoyed but don't possess the power to combat this large organization! And so Iam it and wish completely along with you on my part aswell then we are able to consent this nuisance together! Somebody please please support us! Thanks!!!

Company: Verizon Phone Service
Country: USA
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