Crunch Fitness
Obnoxious collections and phone harassment


Signed up with a Crunch Fitness in San Francisco. At the time I signed up I informed the membership rep that my company was moving offices at the end of the year so I only needed a Membership through December. They said no problem. I paid the entire membership in advance and at the end of the year moved on without thinking about it. A couple months later I started getting harassing collections calls from them.

I informed them of the situation and asked them to cancel my membership. They said I had to come in and fill out forms to do it and claimed they I owed them fees for the months that had passed since I moved. I told them they were mistaken, that I had moved away and was unavailable to "Fill out their forms" and asked them to stop calling me. Since then they have had a beligerent collections person call me at work everyday.

Company: Crunch Fitness
Country: USA
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