Neutron Sports
Neutron Fitness & Sports Organization Rippoff, Lied, Stole, slanderous


This company is very abrasive and from talking to many people and hearing the same things.

There shows are not worth the money I paid and when something doesn't go their way they well you don't want to be in the way.

Company: Neutron Sports
Country: USA
State: Ontario
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02 Sports INC
Ripped Off By 02 Sports Looking for help

Sports Authority
Sports authority review

Executive Sports
The Ivins Group Lied about the job... This is a scam, don't go here!

Play To Win Sports -
Play To Win Sports aka insports.Biz rip-off!

Am-Sports Aka Empireshoeteam, Paul Jackson
Am-Sports Aka Empireshoeteam, Paul Jackson ripoff, ordered from them paid money in full item was never shipped nor were emails answered

Insports-biz scammed me into thinking i was going to be a sports promoter for their website not sure california

The Care Sports
Consumer Report

Game Boy Advance VIDEO I called customer service about the grainy video quality of the Jimmy Neutron color video Vol. #1 and got an excuse about how the computer generated cartoon was diffulcult to translate onto this video pack Ripoff

Kodiak Sports
Matthew Garrabrants/owner of Kodiak Sports Kodiak SPorts, Rip Off Product