Oneoutboard.com Mike DeMayo Buyer Beware oneoutboard.com FRADULENT MISREPRESENTATION of the standard by which YOUR motor is remanufactured


Www.oneoutboard.com was hired to remanufacture my 2005 Yamaha F225 motor with 120 hours on it that was damaged by an overheat and resulting failure of a gasket that allowed saltwater into the oil crankcase.

I was told that the motor would be remanufactured to a new standard and include a " best in the business " 1 year warranty.

I was told it would cost between $3500 and $5500

On their website and ebay auctions they represent that the cylinders receive a diamond hone finish, new pistons, rings, crankshafts, main bearings new oil pump new main bearingsnew sacrificial anodes and thermostats, entire mid section and tilt and trim get serviceed inspected and resealed, new water pump, new valves, seats, guides, main bearings etc etc etc...

My motor was shipped off and the bill was $5500

Upon receipt I had it mounted by a 5 star yamaha dealer withing 1 hour it was leaking oil all over the place and water in the oil.

They blamed everyone but themselves and after a 3 way conference call with my atty they agreed to pick it up. 3 weeks go by no contact, numerous emails sent and no reply. Finally I am told that it will e $380 to replace a part that they dint find the first time.

Additionally Mike Demayo JR agreed to reimburse me $420 towards my expenses of having the motor removed and reinstalled du to their errors.instead of reimbursing me he instead called me an ass, an idiot, and blamed everything on my dealer. (Which happens to have two yamaha master mechanics)

Upon receipt we mounted the motor and ran it for an additional 9 hours at which time it again developed an oil leak and had water in the oil. Considering that www.oneoutbaord.com had refused to honor their committment with me I naturally assumed that they were not going to honor their warranty.

Discovery by the mechanics revealed that there was low compression, scoring on all cylinder walls, heads and valves all corroded, bearing caps on camshafts installed in the wrong order causing unrepairable damage to the heads.in addition they didnt change any of the low cost items either (anodes, thermostats, water pump) etc

The motor was examined by3 different engine mechanics, and the regional yamaha field technician and all were in agreement that it was an absolute impossibility that any of the items they represent on their website were performed.

The motor had the same conditions that it had before being sent in to them. (leakdown on cylinders, corroded valves from saltwater)

They reused a broken adapter plate, installed a seized up tensioner, installed a worn out and cracked belt the sad list just goes on.

They charged $5500 plus $380 for warranty repair, stiffed me on the $420 agreed to and refuse to repair, replace, or refund me the amount they charged. Plus it has cost over $2500 in labor to remove and reinstall the motor 3 times.

Plus the trim was leaking and even when asked by email to fix they did not. It cost $260 to have that done by my shop

All said I have wasted over $10,000 because of the incompetence and fraud by www.oneoutaord.com and mike demayo.

Additionally I had to replace their 12 hour since reman motor with a factory new yamaha powerhead that cost over $12,000..

They also have a track record of the motors always missing or needin a low cost part. For example when my motor first came back the cowl sealing gasket was missing and the oxygen sensor was faulty. Ironically I have spoken with others which have seen the same things with their motors.

Those two items alone cost $400

Dont lose your hard earned money there are many business out there that value their customers

Also realize that they will bait and switch you. You deal with oneoutboard.com but will be billed by blackbird industries. Do some google homework and your jaw will drop.

Www.oneoutboard. Comwww.1outboard.com blackbirdindustries

Company: www.oneoutboard.com
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: West sunbury
Address: 569 Mahood Road
Phone: 18779832537
Site: oneoutboard.com
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Ebay seller 1outboard

Yamaha Motor Corporation
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Collins, Inc
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Yamaha Motor Corporation
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569 Mahood Rd, West Sunbury, Pennsylvania 16061 rebuild powerhead

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ASAP Motors
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Leslie' Pool Supply

International Diesel Ltd (aka) 65ldiesel.com (aka) 65engineparts.com
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