Paramount Acceptance/French Riviera Spa
Breach of Contract for Lifetime Membership?


Criticism Description:

Break of Agreement for Transformation to some Lifetime Account? About two decades before, the Tenn. State-law concerning club lifetime subscriptions was transformed to pay for a one-time transformation fee of $150 and $5 annually lifetime membership price. Hoping of the French Riviera building near to wherever I reside, I've extended to pay for the minimal annual charge based on the state agreement guidelines, despite the fact that I've not exercised in the their club during this period. I still have my Tenn. Agreement. Nowadays I observed when spending the charge that it's got to $35. I ACTUALLY DO think lifetime account means lifetime when I am not useless. And so I wonder if you will see any kind of class-action match for this break of agreement? If their charge change is reasons to get a class-action fit, I wished to become informed by other interested parties. I've settled this fee to Vital Approval annually because they are the payment representative for my agreement, but I'm informed that I ought to contact an area French Rivera consequently who inform me it's Vital Approval that informed them to cost the charge. After repeated demands for understanding who's accountable being handed in groups, I notice no solution insight. I've approached the BBB.

Company: Paramount Acceptance/French Riviera Spa
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Salt Lake City, UT
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Sky Angel
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Paramount Acceptance / Riviera Fitness
Deceptive business practices