Aftermath Skate Shop
Crucial Skate Shop 540-808-0241 VA Purchased a hat online and never recieved


I contacted this company after finding the product I wanted to buy on their website. We had plenty of communication before purchasing the hat related to what colors and size were available as well as if the item will arrive before the birthday that the hat was a gift for. All sounded great. Website looks great. Found them thru a site that showed me everywhere online that this product is sold. All looks great. Ordered the hat online and patiently waited for it to arrive.

When to hat did not arrive I checked the site for my shipping information. There was a customer service site that appears to have the shipping info but it was blank. When I contacted the web site they informed me that it went out and it should arrive soon. When I emailed back for the shipping info they did not reply. Days, weeks go on. I email them periodically and tell them that it has not arrived and most of the tome they do not reply. When they do reply they say things such as, "out of office for weekend, will reply monday." They do not. Then I tried to call them. No answer at phone number on site. I then searched goggle maps for the phone number, that one did not work either. It seems the address they say they are at physically does not exist. That is when I found this website and saw that others were having the same issue.

I emailed them again telling them that I still have not received the product. No reply. I then emailed back and informed them that I will be contacting my bank to get my money back and contact police. I then got a reply right away, they state that it was shipped weeks ago. When I emailed right back and asked for shipping info, no reply.
I have contacted my bank, in the past they have reimbursed me for things that were charged and not sent. I am looking into filing a police report.

Do not trust this site. They lie and steal.

Company: Aftermath Skate Shop
Country: USA
Phone: 2762362518, 5408080241
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Training Solutions Australia
Consumer Report

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BB Novelties, LLC Bought but did not receive. They will not reply to emails
Yu Zhang Bad seller no replies, haven't received product

Jasmine McCogg - Pre-Sale Tale Webstore
Ripoff: sold product, promised refund, no refund Fontana, CA
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Akarat yuenyong rip off, fraud, no communication, no refund, no product, creidt card dispute

Km17 Enterprises -
Ripoff goods not received $500, bad communication
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