RV Ice Box
NUCOLD Refrigeration Lied, Lied, Lied and still lieing

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Hopefully you are here to check reviews on this company. If so take note as to what all the reviews say about this company as they are true. If you are like me you are here to complain and it is to late for you.

Yes, I was ripped off by this company and I call daily and get the run around from James and Jerry. I ordered 4 months ago of 2012 and of course it is still not here as of October 7th. My unit has been shipped out so many times it is unbelieveable. I called almost daily in October and it was always going out the next day. They always have from 8 to 30 units being tested and mine will be the next off the line. One time I was told they could only test 8 at a time and then another time they were testing 30 at a time and I would get the first one off. Today they will not answer the phone. They will answer the order and support line, and they will tell you that they answer the phone for NUCOLD or RVICEBOX to help with support only, but do not believe that. I have started calling that line because they will answer that phone and guess what, yep you guessed it, Jerry sometimes answers, as does James. Jerry is the owner. I called the sheriffs office and the District courts and they knew who I was talking about right away. You can call the district court and have papers sent to you to file on them 501-354-9615 or the sheriffs office and ask what they might do. I am having the sheriffs office in my state and county to contact the sheriffs office in Morrilton to try and have them investigated. Keep calling that support line and do not believe a thing they tell you. I had a friend call to act like he wanted to order a unit and they would have been more than happen to take the order, and told him he would have it in about 4 weeks. Yeah right. If they give you a UPS or FEDEX conf. Number, have both sites up and type it in while on the phone. It will be bogus. Stay away. Do not take the chance. You have been warned. Rick, ripped off

Company: RV Ice Box
Country: USA
State: Arkansas
City: Morrilton
Address: 220 Sardis Road
Phone: 18665802653
Site: rvicebox.com
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NUCold.com RIPPED OFF BY sales@rvicebox.com

Rv Ice Box - Jerry Collins Nucold
INC Nothing but lies, have been told several times we will ship your unit out, Never happened

Jerry Collins
RV Ice Box super scam. Took payment and has done nothing but give me the run around

Jerry Collins
RV Icebox, or Nucold Refrigeration, INC defective cooling unit

Jerry collins nucold cooling unit ripoff internet

Nucold Refrigeration Inc
Jerry's Nucold Refrigeration RV Cooling Unit Meltdown, With A Bad Odo

Nucold refrigeration, rvcoolinggun, jerry collins lied, cheated, stole

Jerry Collins
RV Icebox Took Payment and Did NOT send Product

Nucold - Jerry, Owner
Nucold Nucold - Jerry Owner Non payment of invoice for goods shipped in good faith

NuCold Refrigeration Inc
RV Icebox Non-delivery of Product, Repeatedly refused to communicate, Easily angered