Joshua Astorian
Scammed money from me this year and others in 2009 for artistic word that was never completed

Shops, Products, Services

I posted a sprite request on an website called deviantart about a month ago.
I received an personal message from a username 'thejoshinator' claiming to have 5 years experience creating graphics for licensed GBA, iOS, and Iphone games and about 3 years in the Nintendo DS industry.

We communicated via skype and exchanged a deal that I would pay him 80 in advance for a basic sprite sheet. After the payment I received little word from him, after which he went missing for a few days. I became suspicious and emailed him.
Later that day he come on skype claiming to have been kicked out of his house by his girlfriend which left him homeless for a few days.

He claimed it was raining and he had no where to stay and no money.
After googling the weather in his area I hesitantly believed his story and gave him 20 to get a hotel and some food for the night. I then said if I seen no results on our deal with-in the next 3 days I would assume he was a scammer.
He said he would send me a sprite the next day which he didn't.

About a week later of no sign from him, I googled his name (Joshua Astorian) and found a forum topic on the first link with other claiming to have given him money with no result.
He defended himself on the topic with the same story he told me.
I then noticed this topic was from 2009 when he only just told me this story happened.

I can only assume this man is a fake name scamming people for work and using this sob story as a defence.

Company: Joshua Astorian
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Collinsville
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