W.I.S. H Shopping Network/and Owner Ron Gross
W.I.S. H shopping network - and owner ron gross ripoff dishonest and manipulative fraud

Shops, Products, Services

Real" modeling agency that collects a fee $159.95. They send you an item of clothing to have your child photographed in (you take the photo!) and send it to them via the internet. They post the picture (s) on a shopping site that no one sees or uses.

In order to order an item from the site you have to directly contact that owner ron gross's cell phone number not a store or 800 number or catalog. Therefore they fullfill the contrct making money off you and your child while not paying anything to your child since no one will see the child on the site or purchase anything that your child models. The contract clearly states you have 12 days to "sign" or else you cannot get a refund. Ron gross tried to tell me that since i paid i signed.

The contract calls for a "parental signature". This is barely legal. The contract states that they will pay to have your child's picture taken but then in the instructions that are sent (which are utterly ridiculous!) it states that it is better for you to take your childs picture. (this saves them the fee of the photographer and therefore they make possible sale on the photo you take). They say it is better for you that way since it is quicker.

Your child will make 50% of the profit of the item that is purchased by people seeing it on your child. The contract states that the pictures are print ads, but it is really only on a website called "city news" that no one sees. Also they will ask you to send a photo that you took of your child for a calender which they make 60% profit on. Also these calenders will not be bought since no one wants to buy pictures of other children on a calender but their own.
You take the pictures for the "assignment", the"portfolio" which by the way they claim will entice other modeling agencies to pick up your child for modeling (and of course doesnt becuase no one sees the site in which your child is modeling the portfolio on), and the "calender" which no one will buy therefore your child makes no profit and you are out $159.95

Damage resulting = i sued him and won. He has been ordered by the court to repay me the $159.95 plus court and state marshall fees of $70. He never responded to the court and didnt bother to show up to the hearing. The judge read the contract and the email that included my conversations to ron gross asking him for money back 2 days after i paid him and his refusal claiming that since i paid him that meant that i had signed with him. The judge found in my favor becuase i proved him to be a fraud since he didnt honor his own contract and he didnt even answer the suit against him for it.

Company: W.I.S. H Shopping Network/and Owner Ron Gross
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
Address: RR2 BOX 420-A SUNBURY, PA 17801
Phone: 5702861963
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