MCi Worldcom wireless
Cell phone company from hell

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On 10/24/01 i signed up for a cellular phone plan with Worldcom. Two days later, the "rep" had to give me a new phone # because they could not get the mailbox to work with the first one. Within a few days, they had to give me yrt another new # because the latest one didn't work.

About two weeks later I went to use the phone and had no service. Because the "rep" was now nowhere to be found, I spoke with a phone techician, Todd S. Through the 1-800 # who supposedly got it all sorted out and issued me a 4th #. That was on 11/13/01.

After that I started receiving bills for two seperate accounts and 4 different #, s. On 12/27/01 I spoke with a customer service rep, "Greg" who supposedly sorted it all out, canceled the erroneous accounts and credited me for $ overpaid. On 1/9/02, I was once again billed for two seperate accounts with no credit for overpay and showing an overdue ammount.

Today, 1/18/02, i again called customer service to try to get the problem resolved, spoke to a "Deborah, who informed me that she couldn't do anything about it, would have to turn it over to "her manager" for whom she could give me no name or job title. She would not give me the name of any other person in the company who could handle it and said it would be a week or two before her manager would send me a new bill.

This company needs to stopped. From the other letters I have read here, they anailing people to the wall right and left.

Nashville, TN

Company: MCi Worldcom wireless
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Scottsdale
Address: P.O. Box 14197
Phone: 18007384408
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