Global-Sun Pools
Ripoff BIG time And Carson City And Nevada

Shops, Products, Services

This company is a huge rip-off they lie to get the sale. Our experience has been a nightmare I will tell everyone to stay away from this company. I recently have spoken to a very high up person at this company and actually got told they don't even like their sales people. This company is one that only care about a few themselves!!! And that's sad.

I recently became aware of the lien that they placed it's suppose to be a ucc lien, I went to my local courthouse a got the papers about this filing it's not what their saying there is actually a lien against my land. I have also spoken with an attorney, I don't plan on just walking away from this. These people have got to be stopped. My pool is also set up for a showpool, so i told their finance dept. Bring me someone to look at this pool because you will loose a sale. I also plan on reporting them to the bbb in ga. I would like to get together a group of us that they have done this too and go to there office and picket them in Atlanta that would get major news coverage, then maybe someone would open their eyes to see how wrong this company is, and actually do something.

They can change their names all they want they are still the same people who lie to get the deal done.

Company: Global-Sun Pools
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Address: 120 Interstate North Parkway East Suite 426
Phone: 7709511831
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