National Retail Supplies
I totally agree with all the reports related to the Compay National Retail Supplies

Shops, Products, Services

I totaly agree with all the complaints about the Company National Retail Supplies, in Montreal.

I had the oportunity, of working for them because my native language is Spanish and they needed someone. I felt uncomfortable, whis this issues: dont give any telephone number or e-mail to any person who they sell what they dindnt ask for.

I mean the role paper, I had to sell that and insist, calle restaurants and bakerys from here, MOntreal and if they asked where the company is situated, the employess said New York, Usa.

Also one of the girls working near me and calling like 200 unfortunate people in all Usa, I noticed that she didnt said her real name and the invoice that she did was also with other name, and I asked her why.

Also as you say they oblige the person to buy something that they never asked for and that is not a Sale in my opinion. The are not respecting any law (I was a lawyer in my former Country, South america and I know about the law, but I never studied again the whole BA, ok) and in those countries we dont make money is dificult to work also.

As I wrote before they also do another horrible thing, trying to sell other item and saying that they need to buy it because the FEDERAL LAW obliged them, so they exagerated and named a law that probably never existed, or is diferent... They ask the persons to pay 400 cad, for that (when they can find it for 40 cad) and they say that the person has 30 dias to pay (as if they were a Gouverment, with authority)

I was so uncomfortable there and I didnt understand how many people I only asked them how long they work there, some were like 5 years, NO ontly THE MAY NOW, but also in some way they are complices of this FRAUD, AND if they do it for money, I dont understand how they can do somehing so inmoral, to the people of all United States

The people who are confused and distracted or didnt understand, pay, and if one 3 in 100 pays, I suppose is enough for them to pay 10 cad the hour to the telemarketers, like I was going to be one of them and also they offer comission

From where they get the money I dont realy know, they must sale this fake thing to many people who in a way are taking from them the money (and I think is an ilicit money, money that should not be licit, like the money that comes for drugs or other kind, I feel is ilicit money.

They insist and oblige sometimes the employe of the store that receives the call, sometimes to find inmediately the Manager, and insist several times they need to speak to him, etc

The script is very strange, because they start saying that they are a company that want to fix they credit card machine, and then some persons, if theyhave problems with that may think that this i not a sale, and also they try to make it real, asking, how does it work? Did you have any problem etc?

And then they say if you have call a number... X x

IN MY opinion this is a fraud and I also CANT UNDERSTAND HOW people are working some of them 7 years with the company and they never maybe complained, knowing thei issue and there was no police or Ministery of Employes informed of that so they can send an inspector to check the reality, they will need logically the proof.

I quit because even iF i NEED THE MONEY is impossible to sell that, YOU HAVE to insist to do it if not the owner, fire you in 3 days, but I prefer to go after the first day.

I understand that some people may realy need the money, but Canada is so big and there are other real opportunities if they search for a job, like me who I speak spanish but I Know also english and french, I dont understand if they stay because they are afraid of being implied in this, or for the money and they feel comfortable doing that, like nothing.

I woul like to complain to the Police here in Montreal, and also contact Ministery of Employment or Rights o consumer orgnasitation, but someone told me is better the Police.

I DONT understand how the owner wasnt in jail at least one year, because this is afraud and deserves jail at least one year, i SUPpose or they close the company, also but I DONT UNderstand how the POlice never went there, or someone ofthem also receives money no to talk?

I DONT THInk the police her is corrupted, so I will call them tihs week, I wont say my name I dont want problems but if it is necessary yes. I am not scared of that.

I realy ask all the people that complain here if they live in MOtreal to go to the POlice and then the POlice will HAVE many complains and also you have to report it as you do, but there is a deparment of fraud in Canada, but not in MOntreal, also I WILL CONTact them

I think about the people in the StAtes, that are being cheated and that is ilegal totaly.

I hope they can do something to stop this. If this a democratic country that protects consumers and control if something is legal, so something can be done, at least make the owner to close the Company

Well, there many ilegal issues, there and I think someone should do something.

Thank you

Company: National Retail Supplies
Country: USA
State: Quebec
City: Canada
Address: Drummond 2015 of 804
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