William Davis Attorney At Law
Failure to inform and represent

Shops, Products, Services

Went to see after husbands death and mounting bills overtook me.
Was referred to him by my probate attorney. Filled out a long history report and was shown a movie about filing bankruptcy.
Spoke with this attorney once only. He failed to inform mr that i must file on all my creditors and could not be selective. I thought some of the smaller bills and charge cards i could hanle. I was wrong as my health and financial status declined.

I am in dire straits now with three hundred dollar charge card amounts being over one thousand dollars. I cannot pay. I am going to lose my house soon as i have a minimal income. I really did not know what i was getting into.

Company: William Davis Attorney At Law
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Bridgeport
Address: 300 Howard Street
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