Master Matchmakers
I Was Overcharged & Feel Totally Scammed and Ripped off by Master Matchmakers Service

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In Oct. I paid $2,500 for Master Matchmakers Services after speaking to Ilee Ward Finocchiaro. I knew in my gut that I should have never said yes when I spoke to her but I did it anyway. (shame on me! -Trust Your Gut for anyone reading this) I later found out through various people that they were charged $1,000 less than I was for the same amount of service/offering. So I feel totally scammed and feel ripped off.

Basically, what they do to find matches for you and to recruit men as members is to sift through websites like and others to find prospective matches for you. If I had known that from the beginning, I could have paid $30 a month for and done that myself. I was 'sold' into believing that the actual matchmakers would get to know me personally and that they would get to know the guy personally, sort of what you would think of as 'old school matchmaking'. No, the matchmakers never really talk to you personally at all for the most part. It's all done via email. You do talk to a coach who will then relay your 'wish list' of what you are looking for to the matchmakers and it all goes in a database. There are times when human interaction is better than technology-I would think Matchmaking would be one of them!

They told me that there is another great benefit which was the ongoing ability to have access to their own selective database of men. I thought wow, this would be a great on-going benefit. Boy, I sure feel as though I was sold a bill of goods! When I put in a 50 mile radius of my home and extend the search to include men 5 years younger and five years older, ONLY 10 men are listed in the database. Thats only 10 men within 7,854 sq. Miles of my home within a 10 year age range. Pathetic. I was told only 30% of the men are on the database, if that is true, then a mere 31 men would be the grand total. Again, pathetic and don't fall for that 'sales pitch' consumers - Ask specifically how many are in the database in your geography! And by the way, I live only 5 miles from their Headquarters which is where a reasonable person would think they would have the most clients. Wrong!

I have tried to get a refund because I felt I was overcharged and from my perspective received no where close to $2500 worth of services. They have not reimbursed one penny.

Please don't let this happen to you! I would not recommend Master Matchmakers 'match-making services' unless you were too lazy to go on and other sites to do basically the same thing they do for thousands more. I am hoping that maybe my bad experience can save others from wasting their money and being overcharged and overpromised a service that isn't all what they make it to be in the 'sales pitch'.

I could make a list of other mishaps that happened... For example, I specifically wrote in my profile and told/stressed to all staff at Master Matchmakers that I interacted with that I wanted to have children. Two of the men they sent me to did not want to have children. To me, that is basic match making 101 and my desire to meet someone who also wanted to start a family was ignored. I NEVER told them or wrote to them or even hinted at the fact that I did 'not' want to start a family but they took it upon themselves to assume otherwise & decided that what I wanted didn't matter.interesting, don't you think...

Please be careful and ask as many questions as you can when dealing with Master Matchers or any other match making service. And if their 'verbal' sales pitch sounds a bit exaggerated, make sure to trust your gut. Good luck to you all.

Company: Master Matchmakers
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
Address: 2 Penn Center Plaza, Suite 200
Phone: 2153626999
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