Bridgevine Deceiptive scheme targeted at busy people in a hurry

Shops, Products, Services

Bridgevine's website "" is quite obviously intended to deceive consumers by mimicking the US Postal Service's website. The change of address service offered by this site is available for $1 via the US Postal Service and; therefore, there seems no legitimate purpose to the "" website. The website is merely a marketing tactic and a scam. At the time of this writing, Bridgevine charges unwitting consumers $9.95 for a service the USPS offers for $1. While Bridgevine seeks to keep themselves out of legal trouble by providing a disclaimer in fine print, they prey on consumers who by the very nature of needing to make a change of address, are likely under the stress of relocation and also likely in a hurry. Yes, Bridgevine can attempt to defend themselves by claiming they provide a written disclaimer and consumers should read it; however, the idea behind "" is nothing less than suspicious since Bridgevine is offering an unnecessary service—in that the EXACT SAME SERVICE is already offered by the US Postal Service for $1—and offering it at a greatly inflated price.

Recently relocated, under stress, unemployed, in a hurry? Beware. Bridgevine pays to have their hyperlink at the top of the search engine page to catch unwitting consumers in their net of deceit by mimicking the US Postal Service. Once you have submitted payment, there is no way to stop the transaction. Canceling your credit card will only prevent FUTURE transactions on the card but will not stop the transaction to Bridgevine that has already begun.

I would like to see the Federal Trade Commission outlaw the practice of private businesses impersonating, mimicking, or attempting in any way whether through logos, labels, or locations the resemblance to any government entity. It should not be legal for Bridgevine to mimick the US Postal Service and set themselves us as an unnecessary "middleman" to offer an unnecessary service which misleads consumers into paying inflated prices.

Company: Bridgevine
Country: USA
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