United Metro Security
United Metro Security Force security

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Same old wolf, new sheep's clothing...

Where to begin? Oh, yes. United Metro Security Force (trade names United Metro Security AND Special Security Force), is the new name for the old company, Special Security Force, LLC. Guess who the founder of SSF was? None other than Mr. Patrick Michael Griffith! Guesss who one of the co-owners of United Metro is? Yep, you guessed it, Mr. Griffith yet again! Why the new company? Well, it could be that he mismanaged SSF so badly that the only way for him to fool anyone to continuing to do business with him was to start under a new name.

It could be because there is currently an active Department of Labor investigation going on at SSF that will likely bankrupt the company once all the details get sorted out (you see, the fraud and mismanagement is so bad that, 5 months into the investigation, the investigator STILL can't sort out all of the bogus and improper records SSF has or doesn't have, as the case may be).

It could be that there have been so many IRS complaints filed on the company that Mr. Griffith realizes that he's in a whole load of hurtin' once THAT investigation gets underway. Or it could be that he's made so many false promises, conducted so many scams and told too many lies to be able to operate with anyone who's had previous dealings with him. Either way, it doesn't change the fact that a new name DOESN'T make a new man. I doubt that Mr. Griffith has had an epiphany and changed his whole attitude on greed, corruption and deceit. A rose by any other name...

So the moral of the story, children, is that a wolf is still a wolf, no matter the clothes (or in this case, the company). If you want to be chewed up and spit out, it's your choice. Just remember, you've been warned.

Oh, and if he runs true to form, you'll probably shortly see a change in the corporation records at the Arizona Corporation Commission hiding Mr. Griffith's involvement with the company. I mean, if you're going to operate a shady company, you can't have everyone knowing who the mastermind is, can you? That's just too obvious. Far better to have someone else be the frontman so you have a convenient body to throw under the bus once the wolf excrement hits the fan, as it most certainly will since, once a wolf, always a wolf.

Company: United Metro Security
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 5024 W Roma Ave
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