Bernard Haldane Associates
Preying on your fears. Rip-off bogus guarantees

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Welcome to a difficult job market. A market where your efforts receive little response and your fears and insecurities can be exacerbated. Bernard Haldane Associates knows this and knows how to take advantage of it.

I was approached via email and decided to follow-up. If you want the details of my first two interviews, read the other reports because it reads like the same script. The additional things that happened to me include some other aspects. During my second interview, my "VP" brought in a "Closer" (reminiscent of used car sales) to seal the deal. This man "Guaranteed" me results in thirty to sixty days. He then handed me a contract that specifically disclaimed any guarantees, including guarantees made verbally by company executives. I almost walked away, but feeling like I needed to do anything and everything to help finding a job, I persisted and gave them $5,250. I then proceeded to diligently follow their instructions, doing their homework, drafting my "Marketing Brochure" as they call their resume.

Did it get results? Hell yes. I got calls from people I sent my resume to who were so concerned with my job prospects using that approach that they felt the need to call and suggest I use a more standard resume format. I received promises from all the BHA employees that they would assist me in developing a network through which I could circulate my resumes. Specifically, they "knew people" in business in my community with whom they would put me in contact. Three months later and I still have not been put in touch with one single contact.

Their MARS Database, an online database of information on employers designed to assist you in researching a prospect, is bullshit. Its nothing more than links to online publications, which you already have access to, and most of the reports contained therein are out of date and of little use. Most of the other links in their database contain no information about any of the 50 to 60 employers I researched, and I found ten times as much information using Google than I did using the "Haldane" site.

I'm normally a cynic but they got a hold of me and managed to close the deal. Stay away from this group unless you are determined to get ripped fact, I'll make you a deal... Send me half the money you would pay to them and, if I do nothing, you will still come out on top.

Denver, CO

Company: Bernard Haldane Associates
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
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