Belk hudson & co
Belk hudson department store harrassment and unfair treatment

Shops, Products, Services

After almost four years of service I was terminated from my job as a seamstress with Belks. While working there I did a excellent job because their sales increased 30% because of my work. I was mistreated by superiors and co-workers. After filing complaints I was fired. When I hired an attorney he was paid by Belks to get my case thrown out of court. I know that the coummunity wondered what happened to me. Whatever I can do to let the public know that Belks does not care for their customers I will do in hopes that their unfair treatment of their good employees will cease.

Company: Belk hudson & co
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Tifton
Address: town & country mall
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Store Manage

Non service

Belks Department Store
Consumer Report

Belk department store
Employees are treated badly


Belk Credit card
Belk credit late fee ripoff

Belk Department Store Charged late fees and the payemnts are not late

GE Bank
Angry with no LIMIT El Paso

Belk Department Store
Ripoff and fraudulent, they took money off my gift card without my authorization

Employee rudeness