Integretel, FAQ900. comZZ
Dialer ripoff INTERNET

Internet & Web

Ipoff just got my phone bill from SBC and was charged $43.60 for some dialer they instaled on my computer! These kind of people should be locked up! I called the number on my phone bill and ask the lady! What should i do to get this bill off my phone bill? She said to go to and they could help me. BULL! When you open there site nothing happens! You just get a page that reads! CAN'T FIND PAGE. I'm getting ahold of SBC today and i'm not paying for this rippoff charge!

I hope we can stop them!

Company: Integretel, FAQ900. comZZ
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8007367500
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Integretel, FAQ900. comZZ
Faq900. ComZZ Integretel rip-off! Dialed 900 number, charged $40.00!

Faq900. Comzz F Downloaded an executable software program -a dialer - onto my computer. $44.20 was charged to my phone bill

FAQ900, IntegreTel
FAQ900 claimed I downloaded software for $20 a minute Houston, TX

Faq900. ComZZ - A-dialer Scam sham rip-off scum Dallas texas

Faq900. comzz
Integretel ripoff/unauthorized charges Internet internet

Faq900. Comzz ripoff $47 charge on my phone bill for software downloads to 900

Integretel - FAQ900. comZZ
Integretel ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing internet

Faq900. comZZ
Faq900 ZZ computer 900 rip off 2min. At $20 a minute

Integretel 900 Serv - FAQ900. comZZ - Qwest
Integretel 900 Serv, FAQ900. ComZZ rip-off! Unauthorized service! Fraudulent billing! - IntegreTel IntegreTel fraudulent billing, $20/minute for calls not made ripoff Nationwide