Took money multiple times for marketing scams and website and generated 0 book sales

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I hired XLibris to self publish my book. That part was okay, however, then they started pushing their marketing campaigns. They convinced me 3 different times to pay for marketing campaigns which they claimed were always very successful in promoting book sales. I spent over $10,000.00 on their campaigns and they never sold one book.in fact every book ever sold was due to my own efforts.

The first campaign was supposedly to have my book featured at a national book expo. Not one sale.

The second campaign was internet marketing to over 1 million people who showed interest in my category.

The third campaign was supposedly a newspaper & magazine advertising deal with them physically contacting book stores like Barnes and noble and actually placing my books in their stores with a return policy if they couldn't sell them.

In addition, when the website came up for renewal, they never notified me, and then when I realized it was due, they told me I missed the deadline for renewal, and then instead of charging me the normal $79 or $89.00 to renew, they wanted to rip me off for over $300.00.

They keep contacting me to spen more money marketing, and they keep assuring me that the new marketing techniques will definitely imporve my book sales. (Same as they had done the previous 3 times). I told them they were lying, and that the money I spent the 3 previous time produced nothing. Then, once again they assured me that it would work. I asked the question "If you are so sure this will work, why did you charge me over $10,000.00 for 3 other campaigns that didn't? Why didn't you offer me this one first?"

Obviously this was another scam to get money from me. I told them that 3 strikes and then they were out.

Company: XLibris
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Bloomington
Address: 1663. Liberty Drive
Phone: 8887954274
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Xlibris Corporation, Xlibris Publishing, Penguin Group
Sharon Lauta, AJ Barco Has been withholding royalties payments, underpaying me royalties, telling me they will pay and months and months have gone by with no payments received

Xlibris Publishing
They published my book, but charged high prices for scant marketing. They set high prices on my book

Xlibris Publishing
Xlibris2 BOOK selling everywhere but NOT A ROYALITY IN SIGHT

Xlibris publishing
I was told my book is not selling but i know people that bought it

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E-Books royalty of over six months reported on Amazon E-books, but failed to be reported and not paid by Xlibris

Do not use them!

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