Cingular Wireless
Rip-Off mis - representation of services

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I signed up for a two year service with Cingular with my two sons - during the first four months we decided to add a feature to our phone - unlimited text messaging - entered all the information on the internet at the address they gave - started using the service - the next month I was billed for over 200 messages - when I called the company they indicated that even if I did sign up on line I should have called the company to make sure the service was connected - if they offer to do this on the internet why do I have to call the company - also we purchased phones - what a joke - the phone are useless - service is worthless - I signed up for phone service so I could be in contact with my children - what happens if you have an emergency and can not reach them because their phones don't work half of the time - also the telephones were not cheap.

My son tried to sign up for the insurance on the phones also and he was told he could not do it - if they offer the service on the internet why couldn't he do it and why are their customer service representatives so unpleasant

I also get an e-mail every month from the saying I can print my bill out on line - why - if the other internet services aren't correct or available why should I use this service. Also I send my payment in every month by check - they do an electronic payment with my check - I did not give them permission to do this so why are they doing it.

When my two year agreement if up I will definitely cancel the service and if word of mouth is a factor I have told everyone not to use their services.

Company: Cingular Wireless
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Lubbuck
Address: 2321 N. Univeristy
Phone: 8003310500
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