Baktur and Baktur
Educated Dynamics Advance Fee Grant Scam

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I was almost taken in by this scam. I got suspicious when they wanted to try doing a call between them, me and my credit card service using the toll free number found on the back of the credit card for their 24 hour automated service.

They wanted to use that to 'verify' my eligibility to receive grant money. I passed on that. Seemed kind of shady to me - and something didn't feel right about it. Since when does grant money depend on how big of an available balance you have on your credit card? Seems like that would only be of interest to the guy trying to charge you the $5,000 for their service doesn't it?

Later, I contacted several big name grant writers from across the US and found out that this was just a telemarketing operation trying to scam people out of money. They all told me that they had never heard of this company, that NO private foundations "grant" money to small businesses or individuals for debt payment (pay your bills with the money) or to start your own business. They are limited to funding 501 C3 NON-PROFIT companies. Also, they all said that grants, even for non-profit goups, are tough to get and that less than 5% ever get funding. So all you're doing is throwing your money away. You can qualify for some federal money if your income is low enough - for example - Food Stamps, Section 8 housing assistance and stuff like that and you don't even need their stupid service to apply for those.

They told me that these guys cold call all over and try and get people for whatever they can before they realize they've been had. They even offer a guarantee! How nice. I like this company's guarantee - it says it's a 45 Day Success Program, but you have to be in it for 180 days before you can take advantage of it. Funny thing, if you wait until day 180 to try and do a chargeback on your card - you'll end up like the other poster here - unable to do it - he waited too long. Day 180 rolls by and you're screwed. The other thing about their guarantee - it states that you get a "pre-determined refund of your investment" but it doesn't say WHAT that 'pre-determined refund' IS - in dollars. They talk good - unfortunately like we say in Texas these guys are "Big Hat - No Cattle"!! All hot air, no money to back it up.

Always check out anything WELL. And do it BEFORE they have your money. Afterwards... It's just tooo damn late! Always get it in writing - cause if it ain't in writing - you don't have squat.

So, if you get called by these goons and they offer you the opportunity for a grant of $50K for debt repayment - just laugh at them and tell them they're so damn dumb they wouldn't know which end of a shit stick to pick up on. My grandma's favorite expression for people like this is: they're so stupid they couldn't tell the difference between shit and apple butter without tasting it.

If you did get taken by these guys, simply file a complaint with YOUR State Attorney General's office, the Federal Trade Commission and the BBB. If they got you for more than $5K you might even want to put in a good word for them with the FBI at the closest field office to their offices. Nothing like a little friendly persuasion to grease that squeaky wheel. Ain't that right there, "Dickie"??

Company: Baktur and Baktur
Country: USA
State: California
City: Winnetka
Address: 8335 Winnetka Ave. #234
Phone: 8184357797110
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Baktur & Baktur Inc
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