900 Direct
Rip-off! Unauthorized charges for a call I didn't make

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900 Direct sent me a bill for a phone call that I did not make or give my permission to be made. I have had 900 numbers blocked from my phone for several years. They still say I owe them money for this call even though I called and told them I didn't make the call and have never heard of them before. They still keep sending me letters threatening collection action. I refuse to pay them for their services which I did not use.

Company: 900 Direct
Country: USA
State: California
City: Winnetka
Address: 7657 Winnetka Ave
Phone: 8889432625
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Direct TV

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Direct Tv

Direct tv service
Direct tv review

Direct TV
Unauthorized billing

900 Direct
Ripoff... This company is targeting the elderly

Direct TV
Unauthorized charges

Charter Communications
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Adding Porn charges I didn't make