Resume my career
Justin Rip off!

Shops, Products, Services

I found "Resume My Career" on the internet and contacted them by phone to inquire about writing a corporate bios. I spoke with someone named "Justin" who promised a 24 hr turn-around on these documents after paying additional funds. I gave him my credit card number and security code over the phone and 5 days later, i have not received the documents.

He did respond but continued to say its on it's way. Or I will send it as soon as we get off the phone. But, of course, I get nothing. Every day was a new excuse. I explained that this ducument was urgent but he acted as though he had thousands of clients he was dealing with. I have a tough time believing this considering this business seems to be a one man operation and he is the owner of the company.

I went on-line, unfortunately, after the fact, and learned that he has done this to several people. After my complaint He claimed that his company writes 30000 resumes a year and i should expect a few complaints but it seems as tough he just wants to take your money. If there was 30000 customers a year, I would expect to find at least a few positive reviews but I can not.

Be cautious!!!

Company: Resume my career
Country: USA
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Resume My Career
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Resume My Career
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Resume My Career
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Resume my career
Resume Rip Off

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