Justin Rip Off - 20 days later still no product! Internet

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I ordered a resume package for $197 on Friday the 22nd of April. I was promised I would recieve my professional resume plus a few additional formats and a cover sheet within 3 days. On Tuesday the 26th of April I still had not had anyone contact me about getting my documents to create the resume so I called and they transferred me to Justin. He said that he did not even see my order in the system. I was embarrassed because I had done a lot of reseach and had assumed I called the wrong company asking about my resume by mistake. After giving them my confimation code they found my order and appolozied for delay #1.

After I submitted all my documentation I was told I would have my resume by Thursday the 28th of April. I called on Wednesday the 27th just to make sure they had no questions about the information I sent them but they said everything was fine. Thursday came and went with no resume. I called on Friday and they promised it to me by the end of the day. Friday came and went with no resume.

The following week (Monday) I addressed my concerns with Justin and he said my resume was being edited by personnel in Tenessee and they were affected pretty bad by the recent tornadoes and lost computer access and that is why I did not have a reume. For my troubles he said he would include a Thank-you letter for free and I would have it by the end of the day.

There were tornados and when I did not get it again on Monday I did not call Tuesday and gave them the extra time. Wednesday I still had no resume and I called Justin at 9am. He said he would check on my resume and he appologized for the delay, he said he would call me right back. I called him back at noon wondering why he did not return my call and he said he had just got off the phone with my editor in Calofornia and it took a while to get ahold of her due to the time zone difference. I thought mine went to an editor in Tenessee...

Last week after still no resume Justin told me they would refund my money and they would still do my resume for free. It is almost 3 weeks now and I have neither a resume nor my refund. When I called him he said that since it is now a free resume that the paying customers are now their top priorities and I should be happy with a free resume. I told him if it was about that to just send me the unedited copy so I had something to work with so I can begin applying for jobs. I still have nothing.

I am separating soon from the military after 7 years of service, I need that resume.

Country: USA
Address: NY, TN, and CA
Phone: 18777621290
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Justin Milya Claimed to provide a resume in 24 hours, no resume as of yet. Company not responding to calls or emails

Resume my career
Resume Rip Off

Justin Spoke with Justin, he promised that I would have my resume, business cards in 24 hours

Resume My Career
Justin Con Artist, Justin, Took My Credit Card Info, Promised Resume/Cover Letter in 2 days... Never Got a Thing
Resume My Career Simply Stole My Money

Resume My Career
Don't do it

I have given my Project Manager resume for professional touch but they gave me back software engineer some sections they have just changed the font and format of the content i provided Pay for the Premium Package to get a Resume Review Internet

Untrustable Resume Writer New York

A Plus Resume Specialist
Not resume material