Norvergence And GE Capital Leasing
Norvergence And GE Capital I was also scammed. Looking for help to get out of the lease!

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I am one of the apparant thousands of victims of this Norvergence/Leasing Companys scam. I too received service for long distance and local phone service and internet access from Norvergence, with no real problems until they went bankrupt. Now G.E. Capital wants me to honor the lease of $272/mo for the remainder of the lease, about 3 1/2 years.

What to do? Will corporate america really suceed in stomping out the individual? This is just another "legal" yet immoral example of our corporate culture. Is there any way to fight this or to retain any positive attitude about a country that passes laws that allow this and so much other fraud to addition to this leasing issue, checks which were counterfitted and forged, using my business info were successfully cashed.

My small business lost $16,000. TCF bank says that they are not liable for honoring these bad checks. They think that someone had to have access to my bank statements in order to get the neccessary info in order to produce these bad checks. I now have to retain an attorney. Has anyone ever had counterfitted checks passed and then not receive restitution from TCF??

Company: Norvergence And GE Capital Leasing
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Newark
Address: Broad Street
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