Bestway Rent to Own
Harassing, unprofessional

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I am writing about a horrible experience I am having right now with Bestway Rent to Own in Louisville, Ky, it all started on january 21 I had left to go play basketball and my roommate was in the apartment, I got home and the love seat, couch and big screen tV were all missing I looked on the kitchen counter and found a note written by her that Bestway had come to repossess the stuff which was fine because we were moving anyway. Two days later on a Monday Bestway calls me and pretty much asks me where the stuff is and I told them that they came and got it which he refused to believe and told me to file a police report or he would take up charges against me. I called the police to come to my apartment and they told me to hold off on the report because they see this kind of thing all the time with Rent companies, so I let it go til the weekend. That weekend the weasels still had my CC and ran the number and took payment, until finally I stopped that by getting a new card that is when the calls on my cell phone and work would occur and messages I never listened too because I knew what they wanted and that was more money. Everything was going according to plan until Friday when they left a message that was a minute long and said that they would be contacting their legal department unless the merchandise was returned or a payment of 314 dollars was made to stop the legal proceedings which I took as weird because how could they stop the proceedings. I am still embroiled with this and quite frankly don't know what to do about this whole situation but I thought I would share my story and tell people not to mess with these kind of busnissess.

Company: Bestway Rent to Own
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: Louisville
Address: Taylorsville Road
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