Yovacm Group
Andrew mcavoy does not pay employees for working for him!

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Andrew Mcavoy is someone that wants to be among the numbers in the NDP party, Is not abiding by the broad purpose of the employment standards act himself. Andrew Mcavoy is striving to be part of a government that created acts, such as employment standards to ensure that all employers are on a level playing field. Shouldn't Andrew Mcavoy believe in these acts and abide by them himself?

Andrew Mcavoy wants to be in government but is not playing by these rules himself in any way, and the public should know, and Andrew Mcavoy will be found out.

According the the broader purpose of the employment standards act Andrew McAvoy is not abiding by these rules. Andrew owes me almost $4000 in unpaid wages at this present time. He has been ordered to pay through the Labour board of Ontario. Almost three years later Andrew Mcavoy still refuses to pay and this issue has gone to collections.

I will be contacting all members of the NDP party in Andrews riding and my own. I will also be contacting local news media sources to tell my story.

I filed a claim with the Ministry of Labour on December 12 alleging constructive dismissal on November 29 by Yovacm Corporation. Andrew McAvoy, the owner of Yovacm disputed the claim and responded during the investigation on beh... Alf of Yovacm Corporation. The Employment Standards Officer found in my favour and on March 8 issued an order to pay in the amount of $3350.00 plus administration fee.

Andrew Mcavoy did not pay the order and did not appeal. The order was therefore sent to a collection agency contracted to the Ministry of Labour but this agency was unable to collect the money.

Based on my inquiries, The Ministry of Labour conducted further research on the case. They discovered that Yovacm Corporation in fact dissolved on October 7. They found another corporation Yovacm Inc. Existed at the time of my employment. It too was dissolved on December 16. There are also records of The Yovacm Group and The Yovacm Company operating as sole proprietorships by the same former director of Yovacm Corporation, Andrew McAvoy.

In the end, the records indicate that the corporation I filed my claim against and that received the order from the Employment Standards Officer was out of business at that time. The order is therefore uncollectible. Further, while it would take additional investigation to determine my actual employer, if it was Yovacm Inc., it too has also ceased to exist. Finally, action against any other business or person under the Employment Standards Act 2000 is out of time because it has been over three years since my employment. During these three years the investigation by the Ministry of Labour was ongoing, and so was Andrew McAvoys corporate shell game.

The Employment Standards Officer assessed my entitlement to unpaid wages $1000 (last two weeks), unpaid commission, $950.00, accrued vacation pay, $620.00, termination pay in lieu of notice, $750.00, plus vacation pay thereon, $30.00 for a total payable to you of $3350. The order to pay to Yovacm Corporation was in the amount of $3685.00, including the $3350 owing to me and $335 administration fee payable the Court. All monies owed remain unpaid.

Company: Yovacm Group
Country: USA
State: Ontario
City: Windsor
Address: Windsor Ontario
Phone: 18669766677
Site: yovacm.com
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