Mrs. Elois tucker mislead information that has caused me alot of money and my lights turned off

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Ack in december i had got a light bill of 513.00 and i called southern pine to find out why my light bil lwas so high they told me something eas running my bill up in my trailer. Now the only incomei have coming in my my child support and unemployment. Mrs. Becky the supervisior of southern pine told me to call AJDC to get the helpi need to pay my light bill i went up their after talking to here and signed up on DEC. THE 19TH OR 20TH AFTER MY BILL CAME WELL SHE TOOK MY CASE AND TOLD ME RIGHT THEN AND THEIR I WAS APPROVED THAT THEY CANT TURNED MY LIGHTS OUT.

Okay well i get january bill in and the december bill was not paid that they were gonna turn my lights out mrs. Tucker said that they couldnt to let me call themand talk to them and see what she can do so i left aq couple days later my lights was turned off, went back up their and told her well she said let me makes some phone calls. She called me backand ask me that they would turn my lights back on if i pay a reconnection fee of 128.50 i told i shouldnt have to do that cause it wasnt my fault that they got turned of

So i went ahead and paid them so i got back home they still wasnt turned on so i called tayloreville and they turned themback on 2 weeks went by i had went to town and gor back to the house they had turned my lights back off i was fightitng mad i went back up their and she told me to call her supervisor in natchez so i did and her name is Barbara Stewwart and i got to talking to her and she told me i never was approved all this time so she went ahead and approved and put me on emergency assistance so she faxed it to southern pine in taylorville.

Well yesterday my lights got turned out again i went back to mrs. Tucker and all she tells me that there was nothing she could do so i called Mrs. Stewwrt and she told me that she has done all she can, Well she cals southern Pine and they told here that they could not turn my lights back on until they send them the funds that they were suppose to send them of 925.00 plus this months bill and another reconnection fee of 168.50 now i have this month light bill of 240.89 but i have a daughter and just had some puppies which r 3 weeks old

My daughter had to go to her alcolic dad to stay cause the people i am staying does not have room for all of us i had to leave my puppies at the house with no heat. I felt like i was miss treated, miss lead, and was treated ver poorly on this problem and i would like to have it investedcated they r suppose to help people out in a time of need not let them down i will do whatever i have to do to let people know that they cannot caught on this company for help feel free to call me anytime if u need futher assistance with this problem i have to get this settled i feel really hurt amd and angry

Company: Ajdc
Country: USA
State: Mississippi
City: Monticello
Address: east broad street
Phone: 6015874370
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