Pre-Paid Legal Services
Ripoff This company does not know the first thing about integrity

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I can't believe the conversation going on about pre-paid legal. I mean all of the associates have a point. Unfortunatley they all have been misled.

This company does not know the first thing about integrity, I am not focusing any negativity towards any associates, but, inegrity in its meaning is doing what you moraly know to be right in all aspects of the business. That includes the rude attorneys, as well as, the misinforming associates.

To have integrity as a company that would mean all associates and there "suceeders", everyone down to the attorneys would be operating in moral consciousness and they are not. Everything excluded is in the brochures, that is very true, but remember that integrity is not about what you can get away with, more over it is about listening to the needs of the customer in every essence. I mean they obviously have a need for the product why else would they be purchasing it.

It is in the sole responsability of the associate and the firm to listen to that before they sell them a product. A broker for securities is regulated by the SEC for that specific reason, not to sell a woman at the age of 90 a ten year municipal bond, because that is UNETHICAL, if this happens to ring a bell with any one please respond, but I cant take the false sincerity any more, so make it a good rebutle, not one protecting the company in which you subcontract through.

Oh, by the way, if this company has so much integrity and it is such a great product why does it need to be defended by its associates or even sold for that fact. You make it sound as good as freedom, the only thing is that we didn't have to sell freedom for a result of freedom.By the way did amway ever make it to the NYSE, because if they did STOCKS don't mean squat. I can say honestly though for a company that is in the business of defending clients, they sure do defend themselves well, with all of their on call attorneys readily at your disposal, what a fitting word. Thank you for your time, but I don't believe this letter would have been covered in MY MEMBERSHIP PLAN

Company: Pre-Paid Legal Services
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
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