Sports Authority - Gainesville, VA
Poor Customer Service / Bad Attitude

Shops, Products, Services

This evening I stopped in the Sports Authority to pick up swim fins, which i found ($40 - $50). I went to check out for some reason this particular store the staff has an attitude problem and service has been becoming an after thought. Iguess most folks have come to expect the treatment... Tonight was exceptional. There was a customer at the register with 3 store employees (one was the manager on dupty) attending to the persons needs issue over clearance verse not marked properly or somerthing. After about 5 minutes standing there (only I was the only other person in line, I attempted to get one of the 3 employees attention to see if I coujld be checked out and the manager told me just one moment. Needless to say I ws a bit taken aback given that there are 3 employees and 2 customers (?). For the fist time in my life, I set what I was intending to purchase down and walked out of the store.

Suggestion to Sports Authority - There is a Dick's Sporting Goods getting ready to open up about a mile away. Youmight want to start paying attention to Customer Service or pack it up and move on. Economy stinks, comsumers are looking for good deals and good "Customer Service" when buying.

I Manage a staff of 8 in my job and if they performed like what I experienced tonight, they would be out of a job or going through customer sensativity training.

Company: Sports Authority - Gainesville, VA
Country: USA
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