Advanced grocery savers
Charged my debit card for $19.95 with out my authorization

Shops, Products, Services

I overheard a radio advertisement, on Jan. 15, offer $1000.00 in grocery coupons to the first 100 qualified callers. I called the number and was told I would have to answer a few questions to see if I qualified for the offer. Of course I qualifed. I was told only a limited number of consumers were selected per area to participate.

I listened to the offer for $19.95 and then asked a few questions. How long was this offer going to be available? The operator said they were moving on to the next area in my state and that this was my only opportunity to participate in this consumer research program. I was then told I could use the $15.00 mail-in rebate that would arrive in the benifits package there by making the final cost only $4.95 for the $1000.00 worth of coupon.

Sounded okay at first so I provided the information off my debit card and then asked another question. I did not feel confident with the response and when the representative asked me to repeat the 3 digit pin on the back of my card to verify that I agreed to the conditions of the offer, I replied, " Screw you and the brand name grocery items." Cleary I was not in agreement with the conditions of the offer.

With-in two weeks the benifits package arrived. I was shocked. They took the information I provided and used it without my full permission to do so, debiting my account $19.95.

Oh, by the way, there was no mail-in rebate enclosed in the 2 document benifits package. So now what do I do? I can just here the guy after I hung up say to himself, "No, screw you."

Company: Advanced grocery savers
Country: USA
Phone: 8887611039
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Advanced Grocery Savers
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Advanced Grocery Savers
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Advanced Grocery Savers
Advanced Grocery Savings Radio, Grocery Savings Rip Off Internet