Max Knowles BEWARE

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I was scammed by RVP Max Knowles of ACN Inc. On December 17th I met Regional Vice President (RVP) Max Knowles at his meeting in Miami (his apartment to be specific). After he did the presentation it made alot of sense to me the opportunity. However, once he pulled out the "IBO" signup form I knew this was something fishy...

On the signup form it said $500 joining fee... However RVP Max Knowles told the whole group (approx 5 people) that the signup fee was $650. That was a total shock. After questioning Max Knowles about this issue, he stated that $150 goes to his expenses in helping our group... Which sounded totally like a SCAM!

As I have some money in the bank I agreed to lure this scammer out of his park. I put down my credit card details and sign up on the spot for $650. The NEXT DAY! I received a call from my credit card company saying that $1650 had been deducted.

Company: ACN Inc
Country: USA
State: Florida
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