Ray Ban Sun store
This company ripped me off, I ordered a pair of rayban from them and they took the money from my account but never sent me anything. I emailed them and they dont reply back but once. And now there we

Shops, Products, Services

I placed an order for a pair of red ray bans back in October and never recieved my order. They took the money from my account and I never recieved my order.

I emailed them back and they emailed me saying they were sorry and that they should come soon and I never recieved anything. Now there website is down. They are stationed in China and have no phone number only the customer service email.

I am very unpleased and just want a refund and for these people to get caught.

Company: Ray Ban Sun store
Country: USA
Site: raybansunstore.com
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I ordered a pair of sneakers off this website used my credit card never recieved product and i tried emailing this place i got no responses back. They scammed me overcharged my credit card, i sent fiv

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Www.truereligionoutlet-ca.com FRAUD

Hardtimehusslin - Still The Illist In Fashion
Rip off hoax dishonest sent mo order & recieved partial shipment I ordered the shoes sept 30 th sent the mo about 2 weeks later 1 month & a half I rec 2 of the 3 pair of shoes I ordered the keep sending emails saying the shoes are out of stock

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Paid over $500, only recieved 4 of the 10 items paid for

Ordered a pair of shoes, never recievd any shoes never recieved any e-mail about my order, never recieved my money back

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Ugg Store
MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA No communication on how to return goods. MELBOURNE internet

Eva Sister Modeling agency and photo studio
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