Law office of Les Zieve
Les Zieze, Grand Theft, Insurance Fraud, Racqueteering, Illegal Foreclosures and Lawye

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Les Zieze and Law Office of Les Zieve have been on the record of providing illegal foreclosures since 2003 and still no criminal charges. He must be in close with the Bar Association and his friend Eric Houser who defends Les Zieve in his dirty work Eric Houser touts that he regularly speaks at the California Bar Association functions. Having inside friends like Attorney Eric Houser of Houser and Allison in Irvine helps keeps criminals like Les Zieve in business and stealing titles of homes from home owners since 2003 and still in 2012 going strong. The Police will be the only chance as all these other entities are all Ivy League partners of sort. We will start protesting infront of 18377 Beach Blvd until the Law Enforcement authorities do what they need to and have Mr. Zieve arrested for grand theft an conspiracy to commit ins fraud. Ocwen bank is the life blood of the illegal foreclosures as some believe that they Les and Ocwen bet on the asset to fail through credit swaps then steal the title by way of foreclosing with out the "notice of sale" served to the home owner or filed in the county recorders office on the collateral (the home with the negative bet) Then they collect on the home owners principal mortgage insurance, the side bet to fail. And then they recieve the collateral, the house, free and clear for a 3rd profit. Wow what a scam and the D.A. Sits back and does nothing. However the crime is still Grand Theft and Les will do time!!! We the people will demand it and prevail. Start protesting asap at his office.

Company: Law office of Les Zieve
Country: USA
State: California
City: Huntington beach
Address: 18377 beach blvd #210
Phone: 7148487920
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