Craigslist has been TOTALLY taken over by spammers and pros working in teams. Do NOT verify your phone!

Shops, Products, Services

Heres the deal: Professionals have totally, 100%, taken over CL. ANYTHING competing against a product or service they have up, gets Flagged immediately. This is how not now works. These pros have tons of friends that will also Flag your ad, so that CL gets multiple requests to flag your ad, making it appear legitimate. They basically gang up on your ad and tear you down. CL has NO possible way to recover this from this. They handed the gun to the Pros and victimized the victim. Its simply nothing short of astonishing. Malicious professionals know you are finished. Now your phone, email, and even your ad words, as well as the numerical price you post for said product or service, causes your ad to Ghost (causes you to think your ad is published when it will never be. It says your ad is published when it is not. I believe this is called lying. There is no possible other way to look at that aspect.)

I have personally witnessed this on several occasions with totally non related people, whom were not even in the same county as the others. One was a guy selling a sport bike. Within minutes, not matter how much his ad DIDNt say, it got flagged and taken sown. I have seen this happen in the Stuff For Free section! Giving away free wood? Flagged.By who? Some A hole SELLING wood.
I saw a woman get her free sand and concrete ad flagged 12 times in one day! All within minutes of the ad posting. When she would send it to a friend to post under their account? Flagged in seconds. Because they use every word in your ad, the price, everything to track and Ghost it.

CL will not verify ANY non-land number, or any non-major cell carrier. Skype, GVoice, Trackphone, etc. Forget it. You will NEVER get an ad up. One single flag and you wont be posting an Ad ever again. The pros know that. They have effectively destroyed the entire data base of real people and replaced the entire CL site with Pros. Ever see a nearly new 44 with those weird graphic boxes and the 4x is like $5,000 under market? They now litter the Vehicle ad sections. All Nigerian type scams. None of them flagged. Guess what happens when you post YOUR 44? Instant flag and ban. Craigslist is now 100% unusable except to the pros whom have taken it over through the back door. As a heavy CL user for totally legitimate buys and sells since its inception, maybe 3 per year, a dog, or a car, a room for rent, whatever, I can no longer post in anycategory for any reason. My ads became as simple as Yamaha for sale, very clean, $4,000, and a phone number for example. Ghosted. Totally new cell, a totally new email. The words themselves were GHOSTED. I know, because I used a Mask-IP service that gives a different IP. NOTHING works. Forget the site.

Its over. CL is dead.

More Proof? Go to Everyone is saying the exact same thing.

Heres a clue others are talking about I can verify, regarding NOT verifying your phone or ELSE.
I put an motorcycle ad up; its Ghosted immediately... Under a totally brand new email address, NO ONE has. Guess what? My brand new, 5 minute old email address suddenly gets 5-7 spams a day. Fact. I tried it 4 times.

Hundreds of thousands of people are "verifying" phones while never receiving a code. They will never be able to post an ad because they've already been axed. No code. No verify. No ad. They have all your info now. The ad words. Your phone. Name. Email. Ip. You're done. CL wins.

Company: Craigslist
Country: USA
State: California
Address: 1381 9th Ave
  <     >  


How do they know what I have listed for sale?


SB House Cleaning Move Outs
SCAM RIPOFF ALERT moved from number because of Spamming ads on Craigslist in Santa Barbara & Ventura, owners Hector & Steve - Beware Craigslist Scam Alert These guys are crooks, spam on Craigslist daily, violating posting rules

Beware Home Cleaning Services which is Monica Rodriguez at 805-722-9768
Monica Rodriguez at 805-722-9768 who spam posts on Santa Barbara Craigslist by spamming her daily post illegally daily again and again violating the rules on Craigslist

Craigslist allows scammers and spammers on their job boards - they don't care!

Craigs list
They allow other posters to flag and remove your add. I have been flagged and removed eight times costing me sales. I have emailed craigs list for help with no response

Romance Pros International INC
People beware of this company its a total scam. I was totally scammed and ignored after the first and last date and a few emails I sent to them

Ad nuke
Beware internet

Computer Repair
Robert, SHAOLIN Robert also abuses craigslist by posting against the terms of use and spamming, should you trust him?
Consumer Report