Ripoff promoting a dating service, but no dates to be had Palm Harbor Florida

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I concur with what Bubba in Pennsylvania says. Lisa is lying when she says eroticy does not censor words in chat rooms. You won't get away with saying words like fraud or paid in eroticy's chat rooms. There are different censorship levels for paid members and for free three day members. A friend of mine joined eroticy and to his credit worked his butt off trying to meet someone. He contacted over 200 members and got a lot of replies. However, he never got more than "let's chat" not one outside email, phone # etc. He was totally spinning his wheels, as there are no dates to be had.

Below is what I wrote to Visa in my quest for a chargeback. Visa did give me a chargeback in this matter. My second chargeback asked for in fifteen years.

How did the product or service you received differ from what you requested?
The product is a dating service WEBCAPADES operates It is my belief and the belief of others who have been members of eroticy that many of the personal profiles are not real or honest. That eroticy posts profiles for the sole purpose of drawing in membership. Here in lies the problem. Signing up for a dating service expecting to meet people, yet there is no one to meet.

FRAUD, it is my opinion that eroticy is operating on a very thin line between legalize and fraud. I did personally experience their outright deceit in the chat room. I was in the chat room and a 3 day member instant messaged me. You can sign up for three days free. He asked me "have u had any luck on eroticy?" I responded "no, but I think the girls are paid to answer emails" This appeared on the screen as "the girls are happy to answer emails" Paid shows up as happy. I then scrambled to relate to this guy that eroticy was a fraud. The word fraud showed up as a different word with a different meaning. I said "IM me at br*" This showed up as br* "Here is a guy with a free 3 day membership asking other members how its going for them and eroticy is not just censoring its members speech, but turning the meaning of their words entirely around. I ask you, how is this guy supposed to make an informed decision about joining, when eroticy is attempting to outright deceive him? Many of the emails I received from other members obviously were not in response to the email I had sent. It slowly dawned on me what was happening.

After the experience in the chat room, I was then convinced that eroticy was a scam. While I was upset at being defrauded I was also intrigued by how they operate. To their credit they have though up a brilliant scam, one that takes in millions each year. Here is their scam: They start an "adult dating site" with numerous attractive young ladies. The PICS on the profiles show more that an average dating service, hence "adult site." So all these horny guys go to the site and just can't believe it. These beautiful babes just can't wait to hook up. Give the suckers a free three day the course of the three days a couple of girls send emails to the 3 day member. The 3 days is "full" access to eroticy after the 3 days one still receives email and can check out the profiles of the members who sent email. After 30 days there could be 10 or more emails there, all from hot chicks. The sucker thinks WOW, I gotta join this! There are already several babes that want me. Remember the old saying "if its too good to be true, it probable is?" I believe that many of the emails sent from the bogus profiles are computer generated and timed perfectly for maximum profit, genius.

The purpose of these bogus profiles is to bring in new members and to try to retain current members. Many of the new memberships are for short periods of time 3 months or less. Eroticy pays a very generous commission to other web sites that direct suckers to them. They are scamming a lot of people for a small amount of money, usually under $100. I am sure most people don't bother fighting, for me its the principal.

On what date did you receive the product or service?

On what date was the product returned or the service canceled?
The service is still ongoing, was a six month membership. There is no point in canceling as the merchant has a no refund policy.

When you contacted the merchant to resolve this matter, what was their response?
They stated they had a no refund policy. The merchant directed me to read their TOS (terms of service) agreement. Of course it states in there no refunds. I alleged fraud and breech of contract with the merchant. They stated they didn't pay any one to answer emails. They did admit to censoring their chat rooms for the "protection of their site." I was going to go to my government and allege fraud. I soon realized though that eroticy is a multimillion dollar business and must have some of the best legal council behind it. After carefully rereading the TOS, it appeared there may be areas where they could beat a criminal fraud charge.

Provide a copy of your return receipt or proof of cancellation.
It was all done over the internet.

Provide copies of all documents you have that provide a description of what you expected
(sales slip, contract, catalog page, etc.) and any documents that show that what you
received was different than what you expected (appraisal, opinion from another merchant,

As for what was expected from the merchant, it would be best if you went to their site and see if it appears to you if they are selling a genuine dating service or just entertainment. Attached is a word file of my correspondence with Lisa at eroticy.

I made a charge with the merchant, but what I received was different from what I requested. I have attempted to resolve this matter with the merchant; however, no
adjustment has posted to my account. I am enclosing a copy of my return receipt or proof of cancellation. I am also enclosing copies of all documents I have that show what I expected and what I actually received. I certify that the information I have provided
about this matter is correct.

Since I got a chargeback from Visa, Webscapades sent me a threatening email. Saying they may sue or attack my credit. To inform others on this threatening email. What happens alot with these adult sites is the husband uses the CC to sign up and then the wife sees the bill and he denies using the card. Then the CC is called and the wife says the card was used fraudlently.

In my case I didn't alledge fraudulent use of the card, but stated that the merchant misrepresented his services and did not deliver. If anyone out there has ever met a hot babe on eroticy, I would like to hear about it. Miss Roswell?

American Express has had so much trouble with these adult sites that they dropped adult sites as merchants. There is so much money to be made that the few chargebacks are eaisly absorbed. Eroticy takes in millions each year, but they won't willingly refund a dime.

Company: Eroticy
Country: USA
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Ripoff My 2 cent's on How Eroticy HAS RIPPED OFF IT's CUSTOMER's!
Ripoff when you sign up there are emails after that nothing

Eroticy Ripoff Unsubscribe problems INTERNET
Ripoff scam fake sh Aka Webcapades
Eroticy RIPOFF, charged me for service then banned and didn't REFUND


Eroticy AKA Webacapades
Eroticy is a sham
Ripoff - lied&not real members! Unknown Florida

Eroticy Or Webcapades
Explore your sexuality, and the many ways men are separated from their money